Understanding Circadian Rhythms: Your Key To Skin's Health And Balance

Circadian rhythms are internal processes that follow a 24-hour cycle and influence several physiological processes, like sleep-wake patterns, hormone release, eating habits, and, most importantly, skin function. This blog aims to help you understand circadian rhythms and how they affect the skin.

What Are Circadian Rhythms?

As mentioned above, circadian rhythms refer to the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that an organism undergoes over the span of 24 hours. Predominantly influenced by light and dark, circadian rhythms can also be affected by sleep patterns, food intake, stress, physical activity, social environment, temperature, and so on. 


Circadian rhythms can be found in most forms of life, including animals, plants, and microorganisms. In humans, almost every organ and tissue follows its own circadian rhythm, all in sync with the day-night cycle. For example, the levels of cortisol, a hormone that helps us stay awake, peak in the morning. And as night falls, the levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep, rise. These hormonal fluctuations are integral to our body's internal clock, managing our energy levels and sleep patterns.


These rhythms are controlled by the brain's hypothalamus, an area crucial for hormone production and regulation. Within the hypothalamus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) receives direct input from the eyes, enabling it to respond to changes in light and darkness. This helps the body's internal clock with the external environment, a process known as entrainment.

Are Circadian Rhythms Found Only In Humans?

Circadian rhythms are not exclusive to humans and are found across the animal kingdom, as well as in plants and microbes. These rhythms help animals anticipate and adapt to daily environmental changes, like finding food and avoiding predators. In plants, they control the timing of photosynthesis and other critical processes. 

Factors That Disturb Circadian Rhythms

Several factors can upset circadian rhythms, impacting our overall health in general and for the purpose of this blog skin health in particular:


Irregular Sleep Patterns: Inconsistent sleeping schedules, shift work, and late nights disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle.


Light at Night: Evening exposure to bright and blue screen light confuses the brain, delaying the release of sleep hormones and disrupting rest.


Time Zone Travel: Jet lag disrupts circadian rhythms as the body finds it difficult to adjust to new day-night cycles. This significantly affects our sleep cycle. 


Eating Habits: Large meals, caffeine, or alcohol before bedtime and irregular meal times can throw off our biological clock.


Stress and Mental Health: High stress and mental health issues like anxiety or depression can change sleep patterns and hormone timing.


Insufficient Daylight: Lack of natural light during the day can disturb our sleep-wake cycle, affecting overall rhythm.


Inactivity: A lack of exercise can harm sleep patterns and circadian rhythms. Morning physical activity can help synchronize our internal clock.


Understanding our circadian rhythm is supremely important because we are living in a world where we are constantly challenging our bodies. Therefore we must take note and try to align our lifestyle with our natural circadian rhythms.

Impact Of Circadian Rhythms On Skin

The skin, our largest organ, is deeply influenced by circadian rhythms. During the day, skin cells are primarily in defense mode. They protect us from harmful environmental factors such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation and airborne pollutants. This action is important for stopping skin from aging too soon, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tone. By shielding the skin from these external stressors, circadian rhythms help maintain the skin’s youthful appearance.


As night falls, the skin begins to repair and regenerate. This includes the creation of new skin cells, restoration from UV exposure, and strengthening of the skin’s barrier. This process is essential for the skin’s healing and rejuvenation, enhancing its strength and overall health.


Circadian rhythms also play a pivotal role in collagen production, which predominantly occurs during the night. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin, helping it remain firm and youthful. The rise in collagen production at night, regulated by circadian rhythms, is essential for maintaining the skin’s elasticity.


Another important aspect that these rhythms influence is the skin’s hydration levels. As we sleep, the skin can lose significant moisture, which is why the regenerative phase also focuses on maintaining hydration. Proper hydration is essential for keeping the skin plump, elastic, and resilient against external elements.

Disruption In Circadian Rhythms And Skin Health

Irregular sleep patterns, excessive exposure to artificial light at night, and constant stress can disrupt our body's circadian rhythms. This adversely affects the skin's ability to defend and regenerate. As a result, the skin becomes more sensitive, it ages faster and has a weaker protective barrier. 


The repercussions can be seen on the skin’s surface. Dark circles become more pronounced pointing towards poor repair and regeneration during sleep. Wrinkles appear or deepen as a result of the fastened aging process and diminished collagen production. Furthermore, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, again, a direct consequence of inadequate repair and reduced hydration levels.

Fixing Circadian Rhythms And Enhancing Skin Health

You can use all the products in the world and fail to achieve great skin if you do not fix your circadian rhythm. Here’s how you can do so:


Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep and religiously follow a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule to support your body's natural rhythm and promote skin repair.


Limit Exposure to Blue Light: Reduce evening screen time and use blue light filters to help your body prepare for sleep.


Adapt Your Skincare Routine: Protect your skin with antioxidant-rich products by day and use reparative ingredients like retinoids at night to align with your skin’s natural repair cycle.


Embrace Natural Light: Get morning sunlight to reset your internal clock, improving your sleep and skin health.


Practice Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga into your routine to enhance sleep quality and skin condition.

Importance Of A Skin-care Routine In Accordance With Circadian Rhythms

Your skincare routine should always align with and follow your body's natural clock, or circadian rhythms. Here's why it's important and what you should do:


Daytime Routine: During the day, your skin faces challenges like sun, dirt, and pollution. Your morning routine should therefore include products with antioxidants (like vitamin C) to fight off damage, sunscreen to block harmful sun rays, and moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated. This helps your skin stay safe from everyday environmental threats.


Afternoon Routine: In the afternoon, it's beneficial to maintain the hydration and protection of your skin. Consider a light touch-up with a hydrating mist or toner to replenish moisture and refresh your skin. This helps in maintaining the hydration balance disrupted by daily activities and environmental factors.


Evening Routine: As evening approaches, it's time to prepare your skin for the overnight repair process. Start by cleansing your face to remove makeup, dirt, and impurities accumulated throughout the day. Follow up with a gentle exfoliation if needed, to aid in the removal of dead skin cells and allow better absorption of your nighttime products.


Nighttime Repair: At night, your skin switches from defense mode to repair mode. This is when you should use products that help your skin heal and refresh. Nighttime products often have ingredients like retinoids and peptides that help new skin cells grow and can make your skin smooth. Applying these before bed maximizes your skin's natural healing process.


It's not just about what products you use, but also when you use them. Matching your skincare routine with your body’s rhythms gives you the best chance to achieve beautiful skin. When your skincare matches your natural cycles, your skin gets healthier and looks better. You'll see fewer signs of aging, like wrinkles or dark spots, and your skin will be stronger and more adept at handling stress.

In Sync With Oteria

We, at Oteria, understand the importance of skin-care in accordance with the circadian rhythms and therefore, each product is designed to complement your skin's natural needs throughout the day. 


Our products are divided into 4 categories which represent the 4 phases of a day - Rise (Morning), Shine (Afternoon), Chill (Evening) and Yawn (Night). Products in each category match your skin’s varying needs from morning to night.


Rise (Morning): Products in this category help you deal with the harsh environmental stressors that your skin faces namely the sun and its UV rays, dust and pollution. These products are rich in antioxidants and keep you protected from these stressors.  


Shine (Afternoon): As the day progresses, your skin needs maintenance to stay vibrant and protected. Products in this category are crafted to refresh, hydrate, and provide additional protection from sun exposure and environmental pollutants.


Chill (Evening): Evening is the time for your skin to start winding down and shift into repair mode. Our Chill products are designed to soothe, hydrate, and prepare your skin for the night's regenerative process. They set the stage for deep recovery.


Yawn (Night): The Yawn collection consists of products that support intense recovery and rejuvenation as you sleep. They focus on hydration, regeneration, the repair of daily damage enhancing processes like cell renewal and collagen production.


By dividing our products into these four categories, Oteria aims to provide a complete skincare regimen that not only follows but also enhances your natural circadian rhythm. This ensures that your skin receives the right care at the 

 right time, promoting a healthier, more radiant complexion throughout the cycles of the day and night. With Oteria, skin-care is fun. 


Now that we have learnt about Oteria, let’s take a look at some of its products made in accordance with circadian rhythms. 

Rosette Face Mist (Rise)

Oteria's 'Rosette Face Mist' combines Rose Extract and Glycerine to calm, moisturize, and refresh any type of skin. This gentle mist helps shrink pores, even out skin balance, and boost your skin's natural shine. The Rosette Face Mist provides a splash of moisture to refresh and renew your skin.


  • Soothes and hydrates the skin, providing relief from dryness and irritation.
  • Minimizes the appearance of pores for a smoother, more refined skin texture.
  • Suitable for all skin types and genders.
  • Hydrates and tightens the skin, enhancing its overall firmness and elasticity.
  • Balances the skin’s pH and calms any skin inflammation, promoting a healthier complexion.
  • Tones and repairs skin damage, helping in the recovery from environmental stressors.

Key Ingredients

Rose Extract: Known for its soothing and hydrating properties, rose extract helps in reducing skin redness and puffiness. It also aids in minimizing pores and giving the skin a refreshing glow.


Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic acid deeply hydrates, plumps, soothes, and improves skin texture while enhancing the skin's barrier function.

How To Use

Evenly spray the required amount onto the face and gently massage it into the skin.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.

Radiant Berry Mist (Shine)


Oteria’s ‘Radiant berry mist’ is a revitalizing organic skincare solution enriched with nature's finest ingredients. Featuring Fresh Strawberry Cells extracted using Controlled Enzymatic Micro-Dissociation for preserved structure, and Ashwagandha obtained via NaDES technology from Oregon, USA, it offers high-performance sustainable skincare benefits. This mist shields against digital pollution, purifies, tones, and deeply moisturizes the skin, boosting cellular energy for a radiant, youthful complexion and overall freshness and well-being.


  • Provides skin with essential nutrients
  • Moisturises & lightens skin
  • Boosts cellular energy 
  • Fights digital pollution 
  • Restores skin vitality

Key ingredients

Fresh strawberry cells:  Fresh strawberry cells are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C, protect skin from free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and deeply hydrate with natural sugars and acids, leaving skin plump and nourished.


Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha promotes resilience and skin balance, boosts collagen synthesis for elasticity, and reduces wrinkles, offering strong anti-aging benefits.

How to use 

Evenly spray the required amount onto the face and gently massage it into the skin.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.

Twinkle Skin Cream (Chill)

Oteria’s Twinkle skin cream enhances natural beauty by improving skin tone, luminance, and hydration. Clinically proven in four weeks, this advanced brightening cream delivers visible transformations, making it a trusted skincare essential.



  • Increases skin luminosity
  • Improves skin 
  • Visible results in 4 weeks, as seen in clinical trials
  • Provides skin clarity & shine

Key ingredients 

Tangerine peel: Tangerine peel revitalizes with vitamin C, boosting skin radiance and clarity. 


Botanical extracts: Botanical extracts soothe and nourish, enhancing the cream's efficacy for a balanced and rejuvenated complexion.

How to use

Apply a small quantity of the product on the skin using upward strokes until completely absorbed.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.

Voluminous Hair Lotion (Yawn)

Oteria’s Voluminous Hair Lotion that rejuvenates and pampers your hair. This lotion nourishes, moisturizes, and revitalizes your locks, preventing hair loss and promoting growth. It repairs damage, controls hair fall, and prevents premature graying, leaving your hair thicker, stronger, and full of life. Include the Voluminous Hair Lotion in your daily routine for resilient and vibrant strands.


  • Strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair loss.
  • Deeply nourishes, hydrates, and moisturizes hair.
  • Repairs damage and reduces hair fall.
  • Promotes hair growth and prevents premature graying.
  • Strengthens hair follicles for thicker, more robust hair.

Key Ingredients

Amla: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Amla strengthens hair roots, promotes hair growth, and improves overall scalp health.


Sage: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, Sage revitalizes the scalp, regulates sebum production, and prevents dandruff.


Fenugreek: Packed with proteins and nicotinic acid, Fenugreek aids in hair growth, combats hair fall, and imparts a natural shine to the hair.


Curry Leaf: Rich in beta-carotene and proteins, Curry Leaf prevents hair thinning, reduces gray hair, and stimulates hair regeneration.


How to Use

Apply a generous amount directly to the scalp. Massage gently. If the scalp feels greasy, rinse with water; otherwise, leave it in. For optimal results, use before bed and wash off in the morning.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.


From the calming Rosette Face Mist to the Radiant Berry Mist , and from the Twinkle Skin Cream to the Voluminous Hair Lotion , each product invites you to a journey of self-care and harmony. So embrace Oteria's philosophy: nurture the body, honor nature's rhythm, and shine from within.


  1. Q) What are circadian rhythms?
  2. A) Circadian rhythms are internal clocks regulating our daily cycle of sleep, hormones, and skin repair, impacting overall skin health.


  1. Q) How do disrupted circadian rhythms affect skin?
  2. A) Disruptions like irregular sleep and stress can lead to skin issues such as sensitivity, aging, and weakened barriers.


  1. Q) How should I align my skincare with circadian rhythms?
  2. A) Use day products for protection and night products for repair, following your body's natural activity cycle.


  1. Q) Why is sleep crucial for skin health?
  2. A) Sleep promotes skin repair and regeneration; lack of it can accelerate aging signs.


  1. Q) What's the role of natural light?
  2. A) Natural light helps synchronize your internal clock, improving both sleep and skin health.


  1. Q) How do diet and exercise affect my skin and circadian rhythms?
  2. A) Regular meals and exercise help maintain your internal clock, positively impacting skin health.


  1. Q) When should I apply skincare products?
  2. A) Apply protective products in the morning and reparative ones at night to support skin’s natural cycle.


  1. Q) How do Oteria’s products fit into circadian skincare?
  2. A) Oteria’s products are tailored to your body’s daily phases—Rise, Shine, Chill, Yawn—enhancing skin health throughout the day.
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