Tips For Managing Oily Skin: The Secret To Great Skin

Our skin can never relax. In winter, it needs to work hard against dryness, and come summer, it needs to fight against excessive oil production. Monsoons require a defense against excess moisture. Being the first line of defense, it must be on the lookout 24x7. This blog aims to educate you about what causes the skin to produce excess oil in summer and how this situation can be dealt with. It also highlights products from ‘Oteria’ that work like magic during summer. 


Why Does Our Skin Produce Extra Oil In Summer?

It's not a hidden fact that summer months make our skin visibly oilier. The reasons are both environmental and physiological. Understanding why your skin tends to produce more oil can help you better manage your skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and balanced.

Increased Heat and Humidity

A rise in temperatures and humidity levels in summer can cause the oil glands, also known as sebaceous glands, in your skin to expand and produce more sebum. Humidity further exacerbates this by preventing the sweat and sebum from evaporating as quickly as they normally would. This results in a greasy, shiny appearance on the skin.

Excessive Sweating

During summer, when the mercury rises, our body sweats a lot to maintain an ideal body temperature. But this natural action of our body can be an issue for many. Sweat and sebum mix on the skin's surface, creating a layer that can feel more oily and sticky. While sweat itself isn't oily, its presence can make the skin appear oilier than usual. Furthermore, sweating can stimulate the skin to produce more natural oils as a way to protect and repair the skin barrier from environmental stress and dehydration.

Use Of Sunscreen And Other Skin Products

The frequent application of sunscreen and other skincare products can also contribute to the feeling of oiliness. Many sunscreens contain moisturizing agents or oils that are beneficial for protecting the skin from UV rays but can add to the skin's natural oil content. Choosing the right type of sunscreen, particularly products labeled "non-comedogenic" or "oil-free," can help mitigate this effect.

Dietary Changes

Who doesn’t love to enjoy ice cream and cold drinks in the summer? However, these dietary changes can influence your skin's health and oil production. Foods high in sugar and fats can trigger the body to produce more oil.

Hormonal Fluctuations

The body's hormonal balance can be affected by changes in the environment and lifestyle during summer. For example, increased exposure to sunlight can alter levels of hormones like melatonin, which might indirectly influence sebum production as well.

Thus excessive oily skin can be a result of any one or all of these put together. Understanding what is causing your skin to secrete an uncomfortable amount of oils is key to neutralizing the situation. However, as we move to the next section, here’s something for you to think about - can oily skin work in your favor? 


Oily Skin Is Not Bad After All!

The answer to the question we left you with is ‘Yes’. Oily skin naturally stays moisturized due to sebum, which locks in moisture and reduces dryness. It acts as a protective barrier against environmental damage like pollutants, which accelerate aging by harming collagen and elastin.

An important trivia is that sebum is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress from UV rays and free radicals, which promotes youthful skin. The inherent elasticity of oily skin helps minimize the development of fine lines and wrinkles, and its effective absorption of fat-soluble vitamins supports cell regeneration and skin health. Thus do not fear oily skin, rather learn how to maintain it.

Tips To Maintain Oily Skin During Summer

Managing oily skin during the warmer months can be challenging but achievable with the right skincare strategies. Here are some essential tips to help maintain oily skin in summer:

Choose The Right Cleanser

Choosing the right cleanser is way more important than you think. We often use any cleanser that we can get our hands on and thus aggravate the problem. Use a gentle, non-creamy foaming cleanser that can remove excess oil without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. Cleansing twice a day, morning and night, is ideal to keep your pores clear and prevent breakouts.

Use Water-Based Moisturizers

Because your skin already carries excess oil, opt for lightweight, water-based moisturizers that hydrate the skin without adding extra oil. Products labeled as "non-comedogenic" are designed not to clog pores and are perfect for oily skin types.

Apply Sunscreen Regularly

Sun protection is crucial, but many sunscreens can feel heavy and greasy. Look for sunscreens formulated for oily or acne-prone skin that offer broad-spectrum protection without contributing to oiliness.

Exfoliate Weekly

It's important to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores hence exfoliation is necessary. Using a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) like salicylic acid can penetrate deeply into oily pores and is particularly effective for oily skin.

Avoid Heavy Makeup

Heavy makeup can block pores and trigger breakouts. Try to minimize makeup use and opt for mineral-based products that absorb oil and reduce shine. Consider using non-comedogenic makeup products that do not clog pores. Opting for tinted moisturizers or BB creams with SPF can also provide light coverage while protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

Stay Hydrated & Watch Your Diet

Staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help regulate oil production. Strictly avoid overly processed, fried, and sugary foods which can exacerbate oiliness.

Managing oily skin is not difficult. It requires you to understand the causes and alter your lifestyle and diet accordingly. 


Oteria vs Oily Skin 

Oteria carefully crafts its products by blending the goodness of nature with the power of science to bring you the best of both worlds. The following section will highlight some of our products that can help you manage oily skin:


White Tea Face Wash

Oteria’s White Tea Face Wash rejuvenates and revitalizes damaged skin while boosting immunity and maintaining a radiant complexion. Packed with natural antioxidants and soothing ingredients, it offers gentle yet effective detoxification and hydration. This face wash enhances the skin's natural radiance and provides a supple, clear complexion through its protective and reparative properties.


  • Repairs & restores
  • Soothes damaged skin
  • Protects and boosts skin’s immunity
  • Maintains a supple and glowing complexion
  • Natural antioxidant properties

How To Use

Pour an appropriate quantity into wet hands. Massage gently onto the face and neck to form a lather. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry. Use AM and PM.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.


Sun-kissed Suncare Gel

The Sun-kissed Suncare Gel, enriched with aloe vera and Vegetable Pear, offers robust protection against UVA damage while nourishing the skin. This oil-free gel prevents sunburn and photo-aging. It also reduces wrinkles and preserves youthful radiance by protecting epidermal stem cells. Ideal for oily skin, it smooths and cools the skin, ensuring an even-toned, radiant complexion


  • Protects the skin from UVA-induced DNA lesions
  • Preserves epidermal stem cells
  • Shields the skin from photo-aging
  • Smoothes the skin and visibly reduces wrinkles
  • Improves skin tone homogeneity
  • Provides a healthy lucent complexion
  • Soothes & Cools Skin

How To Use

Take a pea-sized amount of gel into the palm and gently massage it onto your face and neck in upward strokes.


FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.

We believe that everyone deserves great skin and thus Oteria’s products are made for all skin types and genders. Check out our entire range of skin care products here.


Key Takeaway

In this blog, we've explored how to manage oily skin during summer, examining the reasons behind increased sebum production and offering practical care tips and product recommendations from Oteria. By adopting the right skincare strategies, such as using Oteria's White Tea Face Wash, you can maintain a healthy and radiant complexion.



1) Why is my skin oilier in summer?

Heat and humidity increase sebum production, and sweating mixes with this sebum, creating a greasier appearance.

2) How can I control oiliness during summer?

Use a gentle foaming cleanser, water-based moisturizers, oil-free sunscreen, and exfoliate weekly with BHA to manage excess oil.

3) Do diet changes affect oily skin?

Yes, reducing the intake of high-sugar and fatty foods can help control oil production.

4) Why use non-comedogenic products?

Non-comedogenic products prevent clogged pores and breakouts in oily skin types.

5) How do Oteria’s products assist with oily skin in summer?

Oteria’s products like the White Tea Face Wash and Sun-kissed Suncare Gel provide hydration and UV protection without adding oil, using natural antioxidants and soothing ingredients.

6) What benefits does Oteria's Sun-kissed Suncare Gel offer?

It protects against UVA, reduces wrinkles, and cools the skin with an oil-free formula perfect for oily complexions.

7) Are there benefits to having oily skin?

Oily skin stays naturally moisturized and protects against environmental damage, delaying aging signs.

8) What should I avoid if I have oily skin?

Avoid heavy makeup, and opt for mineral-based or light-coverage products like tinted moisturizers or BB creams with SPF.


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