Skincare For The Colored Skin

The British ruled India for over 200 years. And even though they did miserable things to us, we still got obsessed with white skin. We started to, and still do, believe that fair skin is superior and the race to be the fairest began. Indian people ironically began to look down upon people with colored skin. And very little has changed in the seventy-six years after Independence. A report suggests that ‘The India skin lightening product market is expected to surge at a CAGR of 7.4% through 2034’. We still hear people being called ‘kale’ (black) in a derogatory manner. Men and women still get rejected for marriage because of their darker complexion. The list goes on. This blog talks about how homegrown Indian skincare brands like Oteria are making products for the beautiful Indian skin. They are taking a stand and making people realize that white is just another color. It’s not royal, not special, it's just another color.

Table of contents 

Skincare For The Colored Skin

The problem with foreign brands

Skincare vigilance and how it forced a change

The genius of homegrown brands

Oteria - the leader of the pack



The problem with foreign brands

Foreign skincare brands often formulate products with a focus on white skin, which can lead to products that may not be as effective or suitable for Indian skin. Here are some key issues:

  • Different skin types and climates

  • Foreign brands typically develop products for a different skin type and climates. For example, products designed for colder climates tend to emphasize moisturizing and hydrating properties, while those for warmer climates focus on sun protection and cooling properties. This approach can result in products that are not tailored to the diverse climate and temperature conditions in India.

  • Focus on white skin 

  • Foreign brands often use marketing strategies that emphasize the benefits of their products for white skin. This perpetuates the idea that lighter skin is more desirable, which can be problematic in cultures where darker skin is stigmatized. Although while selling in the Asian markets these brands have started labeling their products as skin-lightening instead of whitening. But the underlying issue remains. 

  • Inconsistent branding

  • Foreign brands often use different marketing languages and product names in different regions. For instance, A renowned brand features a line of "Anti-Pigment" products on its international website but sells a line called "Ultra-White Spotless" in Asian markets. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and perpetuate the idea that lighter skin is more desirable.

  • Lack of cultural sensitivity

  • Foreign brands may not fully understand the cultural context of their products in non-Western markets. For example, they might use terms like "fair" or "white" without considering the cultural implications of these words in certain regions.

  • Inadequate representation

  • Foreign brands often lack representation of diverse skin tones and types in their marketing campaigns. This can contribute to the perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards and the marginalization of darker skin tones.


Skincare vigilance and how it forced a change

While talking about the obsession with white skin, a fairly recent case comes to mind. We’re talking about how Hindustan Unilever’s Fair & Lovely, after a lot of slack, rebranded itself as Glow & Lovely. 

01. The fair & lovely case 

Fair & Lovely, a popular skin-lightening cosmetic product, has faced significant criticism for promoting colorism and perpetuating negative stereotypes about darker skin tones. In response to these concerns, Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) announced a rebranding of the product, renaming it Glow & Lovely. Here are some key reasons behind this change:

Inclusivity and diversity: HUL aimed to expand the inclusivity of its skincare portfolio by promoting a more diverse portrayal of beauty. The company recognized that the previous name, Fair & Lovely, was associated with negative stereotypes and sought to shift the focus towards a more inclusive and diverse representation of beauty.

Removing racial stereotypes: The rebranding was also intended to remove the terms "fair", "white", and "light" from the product labels and names. This move aimed to eliminate the perpetuation of racial stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and accepting beauty standard.

Marketing strategy
: The new name, Glow & Lovely, is designed to emphasize the product's benefits in terms of skin glow and radiance rather than skin lightening. This shift in marketing strategy aims to appeal to a broader audience and promote a more positive and empowering message about beauty.

Compliance with changing social norms: The rebranding reflects the growing awareness and criticism of colorism and the need for greater inclusivity in the beauty industry. By changing the name, HUL is attempting to adapt to changing social norms and avoid further controversy.

Competition and market trends: The rebranding also reflects the competitive landscape of the beauty industry. As other companies like L’Oreal and Johnson & Johnson have faced backlash for their skin-lightening products, HUL sought to rebrand and stay ahead of the competition by promoting a more inclusive and diverse beauty standard.

02. Criticism and Impact

Despite the rebranding, critics have argued that the change does not address the core issues of colorism and the perpetuation of negative stereotypes. Some have pointed out that the new name, Glow & Lovely, still implies that lighter skin is more desirable, and the product's benefits are not significantly different from those of the previous name.

The rebranding has also faced criticism from competitors like Emami, which has accused HUL of unfair business practices and attempting to damage its brand image. The impact of the rebranding on the product's sales and market share remains to be seen, but it is clear that the change is a significant step towards promoting greater inclusivity and diversity in the beauty industry.


The genius of homegrown brands 

While foreign brands continue to flood the market, Indian homegrown brands are slowly proving their worth. They’ve developed a deeper understanding of Indian skin by incorporating traditional practices, natural ingredients, and innovative formulations tailored to specific skin concerns. They recognize the importance of addressing unique skin issues and have developed products that are better suited to the diverse climate and temperature conditions in India.

Oteria - the leader of the pack

Oteria is one homegrown brand that understood the gaps in the Indian skincare market. The brand worked effortlessly to get to the core of the problem and try to fix it, Here’s why a homegrown brand like Oteria is way better than any of the foreign giants lurking out there:

01. A Perfect blend of nature's bounty and scientific innovation

Oteria seamlessly blends nature's wisdom with cutting-edge science to deliver effective, gentle skincare tailored for Indian skin. By sourcing botanicals and natural extracts known for their benefits and enhancing them through advanced scientific methods, Oteria ensures optimal absorption and potency. This addresses common skin concerns such as pigmentation and sensitivity, while prioritizing safety and sustainability, offering high-quality, responsible skincare solutions.

02. Deep understanding of the colored and beautiful Indian skin

Oteria is the result of years of dedicated research focused on understanding the unique needs and concerns of Indian skin. This extensive research has provided deep insights into the specific challenges faced by Indian consumers, such as pigmentation, sensitivity, and the effects of diverse climatic conditions. Oteria has integrated this knowledge into its formulations and developed products that precisely address these issues. By doing this, Oteria ensures effective and tailored skincare solutions that resonate with the unique characteristics of Indian skin.

03. Suitable for all skin types and colors

Indian skin comes in a beautiful spectrum of tones and types, and Oteria recognizes and celebrates this diversity. Understanding that skincare needs vary widely across different skin types, from oily to dry, and across a broad range of skin tones, Oteria has meticulously crafted its products to be universally effective. Each formulation is designed to address the unique characteristics and challenges associated with various skin types and shades, ensuring that everyone can find a perfect match. This inclusive approach ensures that Oteria products deliver consistent, high-quality results for all, embracing the full diversity of Indian beauty.

04. Inclusive skincare for all genders

Oteria celebrates inclusivity by offering skincare products suitable for all genders, recognizing that good skincare is a universal need. Oteria believes that everyone deserves healthy, radiant skin and thus formulates its products to address the diverse needs of individuals, regardless of their gender, skin type, or tone. Whether dealing with oily, dry, or combination skin, Oteria ensures that its products provide effective solutions, allowing anyone to achieve a healthy, glowing complexion. This commitment to inclusivity reflects Oteria’s dedication to making high-quality skincare accessible to everyone, reinforcing the belief that beauty knows no boundaries.

Oteria leads the Indian skincare market by addressing unique local needs through a blend of nature and science. Years of research have given Oteria deep insights into Indian skin concerns, allowing for tailored solutions across various skin types and tones. Embracing diversity and inclusivity, Oteria ensures its products are suitable for all genders, following the circadian rhythm to optimize effectiveness. This makes Oteria a superior, homegrown alternative to foreign skincare brands, providing effective, gentle, and inclusive skincare solutions for all. Visit our online store to know more. 


India has long been obsessed with fair skin due to colonial influence and societal norms. The markets flooded with white-skin-obsessed brands do not help the situation. However, brands like Oteria are challenging these outdated beauty standards. Oteria’s products celebrate and care for all Indian skin tones, using traditional ingredients and modern science. This inclusive approach, along with a deep understanding of local skin needs and alignment with natural circadian rhythms, makes Oteria a superior homegrown alternative to foreign brands that often don't meet Indian skin's unique needs.


1) Why is there an obsession with fair skin in India?

The obsession with fair skin in India stems from colonial influence and societal norms that have persisted over time, leading to the belief that lighter skin is superior.

2) What are the main issues with foreign skincare brands in India?

Foreign skincare brands often cater to different skin types and climates, focus on lighter skin, and lack cultural sensitivity, making their products less effective or suitable for Indian skin.

3) How are Indian homegrown skincare brands like Oteria different?

Homegrown brands like Oteria understand the unique needs of Indian skin, using traditional ingredients and modern science to create inclusive, effective skincare solutions tailored to local conditions.

4) Why is it important for skincare products to follow the circadian rhythm?

Skincare products that follow the circadian rhythm align with the body’s natural cycles, optimizing their effectiveness and promoting healthier skin.

5) How does Oteria address the diversity of Indian skin tones and types?

Oteria formulates products that cater to a wide range of skin tones and types, ensuring everyone can find a suitable match and achieve healthy, radiant skin.

6) What steps has Oteria taken to promote inclusivity in skincare?

Oteria creates products suitable for all genders and celebrates the beauty of all skin tones, aiming to break the stigma around darker skin and promote inclusivity.

7) Why did Hindustan Unilever rebrand Fair & Lovely to Glow & Lovely?

Hindustan Unilever rebranded Fair & Lovely to Glow & Lovely to promote inclusivity, remove racial stereotypes, and adapt to changing social norms that criticize colorism.

8) What impact do traditional practices have on Oteria's skincare formulations?

Traditional practices, combined with modern science, help Oteria create effective and safe skincare products that address common concerns like pigmentation and sensitivity while being gentle on Indian skin.


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