Learning Inclusivity From Gender-Neutral Skincare: A Guide For A More Equitable World

Inclusivity isn't just a buzzword, it's a necessity for a just and equitable society. One of the areas where inclusivity is gaining momentum is in the beauty industry, particularly through gender-neutral skincare. This blog explores how gender-neutral skincare can teach us about inclusivity and challenges us to confront and change our biases and behaviors toward the LGBTQ+ community.

The rise of gender-neutral skincare

The beauty industry has long been divided by gender, with products specifically marketed to men and women. However, skin doesn't have a gender. Recognizing this, many brands are now offering gender-neutral skincare lines. These products focus on skin type and condition rather than gender. This promotes a more inclusive approach to beauty.

Key benefits of gender-neutral skincare

The gender-neutral approach targets the issue rather than the gender. And this is a very logical way to handle skincare. The benefits of gender-neutral skincare are listed below. 

  • Breaking down stereotypes

Traditional beauty products have long reinforced gender stereotypes, with men’s items emphasizing ruggedness and women’s focusing on softness. This marketing perpetuates outdated roles and limits individual expression. Gender-neutral skincare challenges these stereotypes by offering universal appeal, focusing on ingredient efficacy rather than gender. It emphasizes skincare as a universal need and encourages consumers to choose products based on personal preferences, promoting individuality and self-expression.

  • Inclusivity

Traditional skincare products often exclude non-binary and gender-nonconforming individuals, making them feel unseen and unrepresented. However, inclusivity is at the heart of the gender-neutral skincare movement. Gender-neutral skincare products ensure representation and boost the self-esteem and confidence of diverse gender identities. 

  • Simplicity

Skincare routines can often be overwhelming, with different products marketed to men and women, each with its own instructions and purposes. Gender-neutral skincare simplifies these routines by focusing on the individual’s skin type and condition rather than gender. This makes it easier for consumers to choose and use products based on their skin’s needs, reducing stress by eliminating complex marketing messages and gender-based claims. It is also cost-effective, allowing consumers to invest in fewer, high-quality products that lead to better results and less waste. 

Lessons in inclusivity

Believe it or not, gender-neutral skincare products can teach us lessons in inclusivity. And we as a society need to take these lessons seriously. 

  • Representation matters

Gender-neutral skincare is a testament to the importance of representation. For too long, the beauty industry has marginalized those who do not conform to traditional gender norms. By creating products that anyone can use, regardless of their gender identity, brands are sending a powerful message: everyone deserves to be seen and catered to. This representation is crucial in all areas of life, from media and advertising to workplaces and schools.

  • Challenging biases

The move towards gender-neutral skincare challenges us to confront our own biases. Why do we need gendered products in the first place? This question can extend beyond skincare to other aspects of our lives. By recognizing and challenging the biases that underpin our behavior, we can begin to create a more inclusive society.

  • Promoting equality

Inclusivity in skincare promotes equality by ensuring that everyone has access to the same quality of products. This principle can be applied to other areas, such as healthcare, education, and employment. By striving for equality, we can work towards a society where everyone has the same opportunities and access to resources.

We hope you’ve learned your lessons well. These lessons will hold you in good stead as you explore the world and meet different people. 

Calling out bad behavior

Inclusivity isn't just about what we do, it's also about what we refuse to tolerate. It's time to call out bad behavior towards the LGBTQ+ community, including discrimination, harassment, and violence. These actions are wrong and they are an affront to the principles of equality and respect.

Examples of bad behavior to call out

  • Microaggressions: These are subtle, often unintentional, comments or actions that can be harmful or offensive. Examples include misgendering someone, making assumptions about someone's sexual orientation, or using insensitive language.

  • Discrimination: This includes denying someone opportunities or access based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. It can happen in workplaces, schools, and public spaces.

  • Violence: Physical or verbal attacks on individuals because of their gender identity or sexual orientation are intolerable. This violence can have devastating effects on the mental and physical health of LGBTQ+ individuals.

How to be an ally

Being an ally means more than just supporting gender-neutral skincare,  it means actively working towards a more inclusive and equitable world. Here are some ways to be an ally:

  • Educate yourself: Learn about the issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. Read books, attend workshops, and follow LGBTQ+ activists and organizations.

  • Speak up: If you witness discrimination or harassment, don't stay silent. Speak up and stand up for those who are being targeted.

  • Support LGBTQ+ businesses: Put your money where your values are by supporting businesses that are owned by or supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Advocate for change: Use your voice and your vote to advocate for policies and laws that protect and promote the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Oteria leading the way with gender-neutral skincare

At Oteria, we firmly believe that skincare transcends gender. Our philosophy is rooted in the idea that everyone, regardless of gender identity, deserves to have access to products that nourish and care for their skin. Skin health is universal, and our approach to skincare reflects this inclusivity. We advocate for a skincare routine that is personalized to individual needs, preferences, and concerns, without being constrained by traditional gender norms.

Our products are designed with ingredients that benefit all skin types. We promote an environment where individuals can explore and enjoy skincare without feeling restricted by societal expectations. Whether you identify as male, female, non-binary, or any other gender identity, Oteria is here to support you on your skincare journey. Because at the end of the day, healthy, glowing skin knows no gender.

Check out our website to know more. 


In the journey towards a more equitable world, gender-neutral skincare serves as a powerful example of inclusivity in action. Gender-neutral skincare is like a breath of fresh air in a world that is choked with products made for men and women. It also teaches us valuable lessons in acceptance and respect for the LGBTQ+ community because whether you accept it or not, there is a world beyond male and female.  So as we celebrate Pride Week and reflect on these principles, let us remember that inclusivity is not just a trend—it is a fundamental pillar of a fair and just society. By supporting gender-neutral skincare and advocating for inclusivity in all aspects of life, we can create a world where everyone feels seen, valued, and respected. Together, let’s continue learning, growing, and challenging biases to build a future where equality thrives and diversity shines. Oteria stands proud in this journey, committed to providing skincare that transcends gender and celebrates the beauty of individuality.


1) What is gender-neutral skincare?

Gender-neutral skincare refers to products that are formulated to be inclusive of all genders, focusing on skin type and condition rather than traditional gender categories.

2) Why is gender-neutral skincare important?

Gender-neutral skincare challenges stereotypes and ensures that everyone, regardless of gender identity, has access to skincare products that meet their specific needs without feeling excluded.

3) How does gender-neutral skincare promote inclusivity?

By offering products that are not tied to specific gender norms, gender-neutral skincare promotes inclusivity by acknowledging and catering to the diverse needs of all individuals.

4) What are the benefits of using gender-neutral skincare?

Gender-neutral skincare simplifies routines, reduces unnecessary complexity in product choices, and encourages personalization based on individual skin concerns rather than gender.

5) How does gender-neutral skincare contribute to breaking down biases?

By questioning the need for gender-specific products, gender-neutral skincare encourages consumers to rethink biases and stereotypes that limit individual expression and choice.

6) Who can benefit from gender-neutral skincare?

Everyone can benefit from gender-neutral skincare, as it offers a more inclusive and personalized approach to skincare routines, regardless of gender identity.

7) What role does representation play in gender-neutral skincare?

Gender-neutral skincare ensures representation by acknowledging and validating the existence of diverse gender identities, promoting self-esteem and confidence among all users.

`8) How can individuals support inclusivity beyond skincare?

Supporting gender-neutral skincare is a step towards supporting broader inclusivity efforts. Individuals can also educate themselves, speak up against discrimination, support LGBTQ+ businesses, and advocate for policies that promote equality and respect for all genders.

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