8 Common Summer Skin Care Myths

The summer has been brutal thus far. Temperatures have been quite unbearable, especially in Northern India. Due to these furnace-like temperatures, people have started paying more attention to their skin. But a lot of their knowledge comes either from the internet or from their mothers and grandmothers. And here’s where the problem lies. This blog tries to fix these issues by busting 10 of the most common summer skin care myths. 

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8 Common Summer Skin Care Myths

Myth #1 You don’t need a moisturizer in hot weather

Myth #2 Using more skincare products will better hydrate your skin

Myth #3 Oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer in the summer

Myth #4 Serums can make your skin greasy and clog pores in hot weather

Myth #5 A higher SPF sunscreen provides all-day protection

Myth #6 You don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days

Myth #7 Drinking water alone is sufficient for skin hydration

Myth #8 People of color don’t need to wear sunscreen



Myth #1 You don’t need a moisturizer in hot weather

There is a common belief that you don’t need a moisturizer in hot weather, but that’s far from the truth. A moisturizer is crucial for keeping your skin hydrated and protecting its barrier, even when it's warm outside. Hot weather can dehydrate your skin, making it feel dry and tight, so moisturizing helps maintain its moisture balance. Choose a lightweight, non-greasy formula that fits your skin type to avoid feeling sticky or oily in the heat. Keeping your skin well-hydrated is essential for handling the summer heat more effectively and preventing issues like excess oil production and breakouts. Moisturizing in hot weather ensures your skin stays healthy, smooth, and resilient.

Myth #2 Using more skincare products will better hydrate your skin

Using several skincare products does not necessarily hydrate your skin. While hydration is essential, piling on multiple products can sometimes do more harm than good. Instead, focus on a well-rounded skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing, effective moisturizing, and targeted treatments tailored to your skin type and concerns. Opt for products that blend nature and science like Oteria to ensure your skin gets the best care. Remember, less is often more when it comes to skincare—using a few high-quality, appropriate products can be more beneficial than an overloaded regimen.

Myth #3 Oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer in the summer

Many people believe that oily skin doesn’t need moisturizer in the summer. They’ve got it all wrong. All skin types, including oily skin, require proper moisturization. If you skip using a moisturizer, your skin may produce even more oil to compensate for the lack of hydration, resulting in an even greasier complexion. To keep your skin balanced and refreshed during the hot months, choose lightweight, oil-free moisturizers specifically designed for summer use. Oteria’s Velvet Dew Skin Lotion is a great choice as it suits all skin types and genders, providing the necessary hydration without making your skin feel greasy.

Myth #4 Serums can make your skin greasy and clog pores in hot weather

Serums will not make your skin greasy and clog pores in hot weather. Serums are typically lightweight and absorb quickly into the skin, making them suitable for use in all seasons, including summer. To prevent any issues with excess oil or acne, choose a facial serum that is compatible with your skin type and is non-comedogenic. Look for oil-free or water-based serums that won't add to greasiness or cause pore congestion. For instance, our Plumpy Skin Serum is perfect for summer—it’s weightless yet powerful, enhancing skin tone, providing deep hydration, and visibly reducing signs of aging without making your skin feel oily.

Myth #5 A higher SPF sunscreen provides all-day protection

Summers are synonymous with sunscreens. However, a higher SPF sunscreen does not provide all-day protection. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, indicates a sunscreen's ability to protect against UVB rays, not the duration of its effectiveness. According to experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine, sunscreen should generally be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating, regardless of its SPF. No sunscreen can offer complete protection for an entire day without reapplication. Therefore, don't be misled by a higher SPF number; to ensure continuous protection against harmful UV rays, it is crucial to reapply sunscreen regularly throughout the day.

Myth #6 You don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days

You need sunscreen on cloudy days too. Clouds do not offer complete protection against harmful UV rays. Up to 80% of UV rays can penetrate through clouds and reach your skin. This exposure can cause sun damage, premature aging, and increase the risk of skin cancer. To protect your skin effectively, you should apply sunscreen every day, regardless of the weather. Choose a broad-spectrum with an appropriate SPF to guard against both UVA and UVB rays, ensuring your skin stays protected whether it's cloudy, rainy, or sunny.

Myth #7 Drinking water alone is sufficient for skin hydration

Do you think that drinking water alone is sufficient for keeping the skin hydrated? Think again. While staying hydrated by drinking water is crucial for overall health and does benefit the skin, it is not enough to maintain optimal skin hydration on its own. The outer layer of the skin requires additional moisture to stay supple and healthy, which is where topical moisturizers come in. Products like Oteria’s Bounce Back Skin Cream help lock in moisture, create a protective barrier, and prevent dryness caused by environmental factors. It's important to combine adequate water intake with a proper skincare routine that includes moisturizers suitable for your skin type.

Myth #8 People of color don’t need to wear sunscreen

This is truly a myth. People of color need to wear sunscreen. While it's true that individuals with darker skin tones have more natural protection against UVB rays due to higher levels of melanin, they are still susceptible to UVA rays and the damaging effects of sun exposure. UVA rays can penetrate deeper into the skin, leading to premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Also, many common skin conditions, such as melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, can worsen with sun exposure. People of color must use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with sufficient SPF every day, regardless of skin tone or weather conditions, to protect their skin from harmful UV radiation and maintain its health and appearance over time.

Informed summer skincare is thus essential for maintaining healthy and radiant skin throughout the season. Understanding the specific needs of your skin during warmer months allows you to make informed decisions about products and routines that will protect and nourish your skin effectively. This includes selecting lightweight moisturizers to prevent dehydration without feeling heavy or greasy in the heat, choosing broad-spectrum sunscreens to shield against both UVA and UVB rays, and incorporating serums or treatments tailored to address specific concerns like hyperpigmentation or aging. You must also be aware of skincare myths to avoid practices that could potentially harm your skin, such as neglecting sunscreen on cloudy days or assuming that oily skin doesn’t need hydration. Making informed decisions is the best thing you can do to ensure your skin remains healthy, glowing, and resilient throughout the summer and beyond.



1) Do I need to use moisturizer in hot weather?

Yes, moisturizer is essential in hot weather to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its protective barrier. Look for lightweight formulas suitable for your skin type to avoid feeling greasy.

2) Will using more skincare products hydrate my skin better?

Not necessarily. A balanced skincare routine tailored to your skin type is more effective than using multiple products. Quality over quantity is key.

3) Should people with oily skin skip moisturizer in the summer?

No, oily skin also needs moisturizer to prevent overproduction of oil. Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers designed for summer use.

4) Can serums make my skin greasy in hot weather?

No, serums are typically lightweight and absorb quickly, making them suitable for all seasons. Choose non-comedogenic serums to avoid pore congestion.

5) Does a higher SPF sunscreen provide all-day protection?

No, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating, regardless of its SPF rating.

6) Is sunscreen necessary on cloudy days?

Yes, up to 80% of UV rays can penetrate through clouds. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to protect your skin from sun damage.

7) Is drinking water enough to keep my skin hydrated?

No, while hydration is important, topical moisturizers are essential to maintain optimal skin hydration and prevent dryness.

8) Do people of color need to wear sunscreen?

Yes, people of color are also at risk of UV damage and should use broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to protect against premature aging and skin cancer.

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